About (H2S) Heart 2 Soul Fest

Heart 2 Soul (H2S) Community Festival's Descriptive Logo

H2S is about Heart 2 Soul.

The concept of H2S Fest or Heart 2 Soul Fest started in 2016.  An idea was conceived about having a youth Gospel Fest in the Jane and Finch area .  The idea then evolved into something more.  It would not only be for the youth, but for everybody of all ages.  The event would involve youth, but would be family oriented. The festival happened superbly in the summer of 2017 and now many years later, the idea has evolved. The one-off Gospel Fest is now an annual community festival, called Heart 2 Soul (H2S) Festival, to bring neighborhoods in the Jane-Finch and surrounding areas together. In reality, people from all over the GTA are welcomed, attend, and participate.

Jane & Finch

The Jane and Finch community is a large and diverse community with many needs. Periodically, we see stories in the news that reflects pain and the community struggling to make their mark. Everyone has heard of Jane and Finch. If you're out west, east, or anywhere in the country, the possibility that you have heard of this community is great. Unfortunately not all of what we hear is good and this angers much of the local residents since they have their own version of how they see Jane and Finch.  They feel that it is both a safe and a wonderful place to grow up in spite of the challenges that exist. A community festival such as Heart 2 Soul is one way that helps give a more positive impression of the community. It also helps to bring everyone to the table to address their needs.

"God Spoke to Judith's Heart"

God spoke to Judith, who is the coordinator of the event. Her heart and mind was telling her that this event must continue in an annual way and not remain in its original form as a one-off event.  The Jane and Finch area is a place to be celebrated.  The youth are talented and have a fantastic future.  To be a one-year event would be a loss for Toronto.

 Need for Partnerships

Youth Unlimited is used to working in partnerships and work with partners to ignite ideas for the Heart 2 Soul Fest.  Judith in her work is involved with the community by sitting on various committees and networks including those of the faith community. These stakeholders come alongside in partnering to help make Heart 2 Soul Fest a success for everyone attending.


Collaborative Alliances

The Heart 2 Soul festival is a collaborative effort of people living in the area and outside of Jane Finch. Different churches, agencies, residents, and sponsors have pooled their efforts together to make this event happen.  It is impressive to see the amount of energy and enthusiasm for this festival that has been churned up. This is definitely a team effort made up of several people who form the planning committee.


Location, Location

After much reflection, it was decided that James Cardinal McGuigan Catholic High School would be the appropriate location for the festival in an ongoing way and partnership.


The Story Behind the Name (H2S)

Names for the festival were debated by the planning committee back in 2017. Heart 2 Soul (H2S) Fest was chosen as it signifies People involved in the implementation of the event pouring out their hearts into the community.  Heart 2 Soul (H2S) Fest is all about pouring out our hearts to reach out to the souls of the youth of Jane Finch and beyond.  By encouraging the youth to showcase their talents through the arts, music and sport, we are then letting them know that they too can make a positive difference for community. The opportunity to also volunteer helps youth gain their volunteer hours for school, helps them gain skills and experiences in new areas, helps them to utilizes their gifts and talents, and helps them have a sense of giving back to community. Therefore, we believe that this outreach approach through this one day event is a holistic one addressing several aspects of capacity building and community development.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

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