YU Summer 2017 Newsletter

Blog: YU Summer 2017 Newsletter

YU Times Summer 2017


The YU Times is a newsletter that reveals what is happening around the GTA within Youth Unlimited.  There is a lot of programs, events, and activities that go on throughout the Greater Toronto Area.  Therefore, there is only a handful will make it into an issue.

In this summer edition, you will see the origins of the Heart 2 Soul Community Festival.  In 2017, there was a day and an evening portion to the festival.  This year, only the day part of the festival remains.  Also, a new venue has been chosen to accommodate the growing needs of the festival.  Many basketball tournaments have taken place in the James Cardinal McGuigan School Gymnasium throughout the year.  We are excited for this year’s tournament to be in this gym.  Also, there will be workshops that will occur in some of the classrooms.  Live entertainment will be indoors.  The venue was an excellent selection and we’re looking forward to making the best out of this wonderful opportunity.

There is a lot of work when it comes to planning a one day event.  Usually the planning committee starts meeting at the beginning of the year and then continues with full and sub-committee meetings throughout the year until the date of the event.  We hope that you will enjoy all the work that has been put into organizing this event.